You didn’t ask for this, and yet, here you are.
Congratulations! Or… you know… sorry. The BAMS Tea Club is an elite, highly exclusive, and wildly inconsistent tea experience, curated by yours truly. Membership is granted not through sign-ups or referrals, but by sheer force of friendship and my inability to keep my random ideas to myself.
Here, you’ll find the Tea of the Month, absurdly unnecessary tea-related content, and a sponsorship from a completely real tea shop that may or may not exist.
Will this website be updated regularly? No guarantees.
Will you get more tea next month? Could happen.
Will I forget about this entirely? Also possible.
But for now, enjoy.

Rate This Month’s Tea
We take our tea evaluations very seriously.
(Not really, but humor us.)
How did you feel about the Sadaf Special Blend with Cardamon?
(There are no consequences but pretend there are.)

Sponsored by
The Jasmine Dragon Tea Shop
BAMS Tea Club is proudly (read: illegally?) sponsored by The Jasmine Dragon Tea Shop, owned and operated by the legendary Uncle Iroh of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Known for its soothing ambiance, philosophical tea service, and an occasional side of wise life advice, The Jasmine Dragon is the premier tea house in the Earth Kingdom.
Uncle Iroh says: “Sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life’s true delights.”
We say: “Yeah, but what if we just send tea to our friends and force them to deal with it?”
Visit The Jasmine Dragon at its location in Ba Sing Se—or, you know, just brew some tea and pretend.
Too bad, we don’t have a subscription service. But if you stick around, there’s a non-zero chance another tea will randomly arrive in your life. Stay caffeinated, stay confused, and most importantly—stay my friend, because that’s the only way you got into this club in the first place.
(Fine print: There are no guarantees of future tea deliveries, updates, or coherent structure to this website. Welcome to the chaos.)